Axtria Interview Questions for a full-time job as an Analyst
Role: Analyst
Process: The whole process consists of 4 rounds:-
- CV shortlisting
- Aptitude test ( 4 sections:- Verbal, Quant, LR-DI, Coding ) The level of questions was easy to moderate. The game is all about your speed and accuracy.

Interview Process
Round 1
- Introduce yourself.
- Questions based on my hobbies ( Cricket)
- Why cricket only, no other sports, and who’s my role model, and why?
- Detailed Project explanation and questions based on that. Cross questions on that.
- Differentiate between supervised and unsupervised learning with real-life examples.
- What is VIF, Multicollinearity ( what, how to detect, its effect, and how to correct it)
- Difference between linear and logistics regression.
- Guestimate:- You have to guestimate about the no of orders per day in a McDonald’s outlet in an urban area.
- Programming languages you’re familiar with?
- Question on SQL:-
- Table 1 ( I’d, customer name). Table 2 ( I’d, time of purchase, total no of things purchased). Make a 3rd table with I’d and the value of the total amount purchased.
- You’re a new employee of a credit card company, you need to choose students to distribute 300 new launched cards, what criteria will you consider while selecting students?
Round 2
- Introduce yourself that is not mentioned in the CV.
- How Covid 19 has impacted your life?
- Why did you choose a master’s in operational research and not in mathematics?
- What do you understand when I say Data science / Data analyst / ML / AI
- Your aim in life ( cross-questions on that)
- Why Axtria only? How will it help you to reach your goals?
- Any questions for me?
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